The mission of The Spring Gardens (“TSG”) is to provide Spring Garden residents with the opportunity to raise vegetables and flowers, promote unity and friendship among the diverse residents of the neighborhood and improve the quality of life and beautification of the neighborhood.  A spirit of togetherness is our goal.  It is important that we always respect the rights of others and TSG itself, and we appreciate the fact that this land has been made available for our personal use.


Membership in TSG is defined in the By-Laws. Plots are allocated to residents of the Spring Garden neighborhood.  

Garden residence boundaries:

  • North/South boundary (south side of Fairmount Avenue to north side of Spring Garden Street).

  • East/West boundary (West side of Broad Street to the Schuylkill River).

The Plot Assignment Committee (“PAC”) shall maintain a list of TSG Members as well as a wait list for prospective members.  As membership opportunities become available, the PAC shall refer to the wait list to offer new memberships.  

The Waitlist of plot applicants shall be maintained and administered on a “first come, first serve” basis and in accordance with the terms of The Spring Gardens Lease Agreement, dated July 21, 2021.  No priority shall be given otherwise to any applicant on the Waitlist.  

A TSG Member (“Gardener”) may renew their plot each season at signup sessions scheduled during the first calendar quarter.  Existing Gardeners who move out of zip code 19130 cannot renew their plot.  At a signup session, existing Gardeners shall be obliged to sign up for two Gardener Service Commitment workdays (see exceptions below).  New Gardeners shall also be obliged to sign up for one or two Gardener Service Commitment workdays, at the discretion of the PAC. 



Gardeners and their guests have access to the garden from dawn to dusk.

Daytime gardening only.

The Garden is open to non-members during designated hours and special events.

Lock garden gate when entering or exiting the garden. Do not give the combination to non-members.

Vending or soliciting is not permitted.


Dogs and other pets are not allowed in the Garden at any time. Service dogs accompanying a disabled person are allowed in accordance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  

Gardeners shall not feed any animals in the garden on or adjacent sidewalks.


Children must always be accompanied and supervised by an adult.  While children are welcome to enjoy and explore the Garden, it is not a playground, park, or backyard. As such, parents and caregivers are responsible for ensuring that children’s activities in the garden are consistent with and respectful of all garden rules. Climbing on trees is prohibited.

Community Respect

Respect your fellow Gardeners and community neighbors.

Do not enter a plot, touch, or take items from any plot that is not your own without permission.

Be compliant with local noise ordinance laws.  Amplified music must be approved by the Steering Committee. 

• No fires.

• No smoking, vaping or drug use.

• No sporting events. 

Gardener Service Commitment

At the time of annual sign-up, Gardeners are required to sign-up for two of the yearly scheduled workdays, to be completed during the upcoming gardening season.

Gardeners who have been active on a TSG committee are exempt from one of the two Garden Service Commitment workdays.

The Committee Chairs shall periodically provide to the Steering Committee Chair a list of their volunteers who have been active for the past year, for the purposes of determining the applicability of the workday exemption prospectively.


Only organic matter (weeds, plants, leaves) from the inside and outside perimeter beds, the pathways, and communal areas such as Children's Garden and Culinary Herb Garden are permitted in the big compost bins.

Trash and Recyclables

The trash cans in the Garden are for workdays and garden events only, not for personal use.

All trash and recyclables must go home with the Gardener.   Disposing of trash in the garden is prohibited. Gardeners should dispose of charcoal from grills in the designated galvanized bin located near the storage shed.


Gardeners should use  a watering can.  Hoses are not permitted, except for the common areas and for Gardeners unable to carry a watering can.  

Gardeners should put the water station iron handle in the down position after you watered your plot.


Garden Plots

A full plot measures 20’x10’ and a half plot measures 10’x10’. The location of each plot is specified in the plot membership contract and on the site map. Plots measuring 20'x20' belong to original Gardeners and have been grandfathered into the Garden plan.

The first name to appear on the Member’s Agreement is considered the “Primary Contact Person.”  All Gardeners on the Agreement are collectively bound by the Agreement.

In no event may a Gardener be assigned more than one full plot or a total of over 200 square feet (excludes the grandfathered 20x20 plots).  For purposes of this limitation, spouses, roommates, companions, and children shall be considered as a single Gardener.

A Gardener can seek help from friends and family with respect to plot maintenance; provided, rights to a plot are non-transferable and any such "helper" cannot adopt or inherit a plot.

The PAC must process all plot changes.

Membership Fees*

Annual plot registration fees:

  • Half plot (10 x 10) $40.00 per year

  • Full plot (10 x 20) $80.00 per year

  • Other plot (13x20) $100.00 per year

  • Double Full (20 x 20) $150.00 per year

*Fees Subject to Change

Gardeners should not break ground until plot assignment is confirmed, annual fee paid, and they have registered for two Gardener Service Commitment workdays. 


  1. Regular weeding, watering, and harvesting of vegetables and fruit, end-of-season clean up and maintenance of the pathway(s) adjacent to the member’s  plot is required.  Gardeners must adhere to the plot maintenance schedule (below).

  2. Gardeners must actively garden, maintain, and use the entire plot. Remove weeds promptly and harvest produce in a timely manner. Plants are to be kept within plot boundaries. In-plot composting should be neat and odor-free.

  3. All organic matter from individual plots should be composted in the plot or be taken home.

  4. No trees or woody shrubs may be planted. If tree or shrub is planted or germinates in a plot, the committee will notify the plot holder and ask them to remove it. If not removed, the PAC will remove it. 

  5. Rosemary and lavender shrubs are allowed. Raspberries must be kept within the confines of the gardeners’ plot.  Herbaceous bananas planted prior to 2019 are allowed.

  6. Peppermint and lemon balm must be planted in a container.

  7. Nuisance or poisonous plants are not permitted i.e., trumpet vine, morning glory, bind weed, gout weed & Spanish needles. Plant identification and gardening practices links are on the garden’s website.

  8. No permanent structures should be placed in a plot. No fences are permitted around the garden plot. (Fences/structures erected prior to this 2007 are permitted).

  9. Gardeners are permitted to erect temporary supports for their plants. Temporary structures should not shade a neighbor’s plot or be higher than 6 feet. These structures must be taken down at the end of the season. 

  10. Netting is not permitted in the garden. Netting often traps birds. Protection of seedlings and crops can be accomplished with a row cover, mesh cloth or other covering.

  11. TSG strives to be a good steward of the land. Chemicals such as Roundup, Rotenone,Sevin and other pesticides, herbicides and fungicides are NOT ALLOWED in the garden. Please refer to the complete list of banned chemicals as well as list of alternatives on our website.

  12. If you cannot weed and/or harvest your plot for any reason (vacation, illness, etc.), please arrange for assistance. Please provide your assistant’s name/contact information to the PAC to ensure your plot remains secure.


May 1st - Plot must be started by May 1st or within 2 weeks of receiving a plot.

Minimum requirements of getting started include:

  • a. Weed and cleanup plot and the pathway.

  • b. Mulch the plot if planting later in May; otherwise in a week or two the plot will be covered in weeds.

May 15th - There should be marked progress towards a productive garden which includes:

  • a. At least 1⁄2 the plot is worked (cultivated or tilled and prepared for planting).

  • b. Removal of remaining weeds.

  • c. Continued pathway maintenance.

June 1st - There should be gardening activity, as described in the Plot Maintenance Rules, and

clear evidence that seeds have been placed and plants are established and tended.

November 15th – End of season cleanup. Clear plot & pathways of weeds, any dead/non-productive annuals, fruits, and vegetables. Take down temporary fences, supports. Place tomato cages on their sides in the plot. Place optional winterizing materials.


  1. A membership may be terminated by the Steering Committee, and the Gardener’s plot reassigned by the PAC, in the following instances (Rules of Conduct):

  2. Engaging in criminal or disorderly conduct in the Garden.

  3. Taking something from another's plot without permission.

  4. Transferring or subletting your plot.

  5. Failing to fulfill the Gardener Service Commitment.

  6. Violating Plot Maintenance Rules and receiving two unresolved Plot Maintenance Violation Notices (“Notice #1” and “Notice #2”, see below) within a single season or three Violation Notices over two seasons.

  7. Otherwise violating any Rule or Regulation set forth herein. 

Enforcement of Rules of Conduct Generally

If a Gardener violates any Rule of Conduct as set forth above, the Steering Committee may, in its discretion, advise the Gardener of the violation by email or letter and, in such case, thereafter may take further remedial action or revoke the Gardener’s membership at the next scheduled Steering Committee meeting. The Gardener may submit a response to the violation notice for consideration by the Steering Committee at its meeting.

Enforcement of Plot Maintenance Rules

Gardeners who fail to maintain their own garden plots, as required in the Plot Maintenance Rules set forth above, will be contacted by the PAC, as follows:

Notice #1: The Gardener will receive an email or letter stating the problem and a deadline for correction.  The Gardener has 10 days from the notification to correct the problem.

Notice #2: The Gardener will receive a second email or letter which states the failure to correct the problem and indicates the ten-day deadline for correction. **

Failure to correct the problem after Notice #2 will be deemed as abandonment of the Gardener’s plot and, on recommendation of the PAC, the Steering Committee may approve revocation of the Gardener’s membership.  If revoked, a letter will be sent by the PAC or the Steering Committee notifying the Gardener that their membership is revoked and of their right to appeal to the Steering Committee.  

** Please Note Officer/Committee Responsibilities (approved Feb. 5, 2024)

As part of its plot monitoring function, the Committee shall periodically survey all Garden plots to ensure that, consistent with the Garden Bylaws, Rules and Regulations and the Lease, all plots are being gardened actively and that violations are not occurring.  The Committee Chair shall issue violation letters/emails for plot maintenance issues as set forth in the Rules (with a copy to the CDC for violations related to PHA Residents). The Committee Chair may also impose a probationary period of one year with proactive monitoring and/or take remedial action for new gardeners and for gardeners who habitually engage in any Rules violation and may waive the usual plot maintenance violation letter requirements under the Rules.  The Steering Committee delegates to the Committee Chair its authority under the Rules to expel member gardeners for all Rules violations, subject to a review by the Steering Committee if appealed.

Revision February 6,  2024